What are the things to remember when selecting the book cover design?

The cover design represents the book and contributes immensely to making it a success. While authoring your next book on whichever genre, your focus should also be equally on the cover design and how the book cover maker is incorporating his/her unique creative extravaganza in designing the layout.

Make sure on the first go whether you self-publish or not- you are dealing with a reputed company like White Magic Studios aiming to stand out of the crowd while offering the one-stop book self-publishing services a affordable rates.

Book publishing is a critical job, whether it is an eBook or paperback. You need to escalate your concern on various facets, based on which the success of the book depends.

Despite having a fine manuscript, a champion marketing team, you need to focus more on the book cover layout design. Here, check out the things to remember when selecting the book cover design—

Experience of the book designer 

For a charismatic book cover design, the involvement of a team or an individual book cover designer is necessary. Strategically operate the hiring process. Select the designers based on the total work experience and the unique range of work they have been involved in so far. Score each designer and finally pick the one with the best ideas they shared during the brief interview session and the number of bestselling books they have designed the covers for.

Shortlist the top-notch studios

If budget is not a constraint and you are focused on getting the most creative, trendy, and alluring book cover, without a second thought connect with the top-notch studios where they house the best book cover designers besides offering services such as to convert book to ebook and so on.

Have options

Even though you are self-publishing, you can have a few options of book covers that you can use separately for eBooks and paperback.

Besides hiring one of the best book illustration companies for designing the interesting images for the children’s book you write, you also need a talented book cover designer, with an excellent grip on the latest software for creating the three-layered book cover design.

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